• what does this have to do with the scientific method?
  • because women can not bear like men...
  • WRONG!
  • LOL, I hate beer. But I love my wife.
  • Because it's easier to lift a beer to your mouth.
  • We don't like beer more than women. . We like beer more than irrational arguments about meaningless things.
  • Because your coool!!!!!!!!!
  • do you remember taking your first sip of beer that you stole from your dad as a child, you might have been 10, 12, 14, 16 whatever. Do you remember thinking.. THIS IS BLOODY HORRIBLE!! Beer isnt actually a nice taste.. Its the effects that you like and the taste you get used to.. Like smoking, tastes horrible but after a couple of months it tastes lovely. The difference between men n women is that a woman would rather nag her problems to you and anyone else that will listen. Whereas a man meets his mates at the pub, avoids problematic conversation, gets drunk, stares at shorts skirts around the pub and then the time comes to go back to the wife and the need for another 24 pack o beer arises
  • I much prefer women to beer! So have no pearls of wisdom to offer I’m afraid.
  • One reason would be, because men have a bit more weight on average so they can drink more alcohol in general, but I would NOT find it the most important thing here. If I could guess one reason why it is so, it would be because the commercials make beer into a manly thing (to sell it obviously) and many cultures see getting drunk and drinking competitions as a manly thing and an ego thing. Maybe also because men are more socially anxious on average, so they need to drink more. And if something is advertised as manly, many men will believe that it is the actual belief of other people and will buy it to seem more manly... or simply cause they are afraid to be called gay, etc. for not liking beer. . I don't like beer much. I might drink it once in a while, but I don't like the taste. . Besides I don't get what it's about beer that is supposed to be manly. Is it the alcohol? Well, liquors, cocktails and wines - which are supposedly feminine - have more alcohol volume. Not mentioning that I don't know why it's so manly to drink alcohol, since it's meant to alleviate social anxiety, fear and stress. Seems like manliness would stem more from not needing to drink ANY. Ironical. Or maybe it's about the fact who can drink the most and not drop unconscious? Then I don't know why people are not doing the same with gasoline or toilet cleaning liquids. A "real man" should drink all kinds of poisons and be the last to drop sick, isn't he? . Is it about the bitterness? I didn't know tastes are inherently manly or feminine, but You can also hear around that sweet tastes are feminine. People just make up more ridiculous things to cover up their inferiority/superiority complex. . You have the advertising sector and the culture to blame.
  • because I touch myself at night

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