• you will need an 8 mm box end wrench, a 13 mm socket, a seal puller, a tube of silicone, a drain pan, a scraper and about 3 qts of 75w90 gear oil. 1) raise and support the vehicle so that the rear suspension hangs free. 2) remove rear differential cover and catch the oil in the drain pan. 3) remove the wheel and brake drum that has the blown axle seal 4) in the differential carrier there is a small bolt with an 8mm head this bolt goes thru the carrier and a big pin (about an inch in diameter) remove the small bolt. Remove the pin. 5) push the axle in about 1/4" a clip should fall out in to the carrier. pull the axle out and remove the seal with the puller. 6) clean the bearing and seal surface on the axle and check for grooving, if grooved replace the axle. if pitted at the bearing surface replace the bearing also. 7) install the new seal 8) put the axle back in using care not to damage the seal 9) put the clip back in the grove on the end of the axel 10) reinstall the big pin 11) put a small drop of blue Locktite(removable threadlocker)on the threads of the small bolt and reinstall the bolt 12)clean all the old gasket off of the differential cover and the differential surface use care not to get gasket material into the housing! 13) put a 1/4" bead of silicone on the sealing surface of the cover and reinstall it. 14) WAIT FOR THE SILICONE TO SET UP 15) refill the differential with the proper gear oil (usually 75w90) 16) if the brakes are contaminated with gear oil they will need to be replaced and all parts cleaned completely of contaminants 17) reinstall the brake drum and wheel. 18) Leave me some good feedback

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