• Because equator is closer to the Sun, then the poles. Take an orange and place it next to a lamp. See now?
  • Its warmer at the equator as the suns rays directly hit the equator, whereas at the poles the suns rays are spread across a larger area. Hold a football in your hand and shine a torch at its centre (equator), notice how at the top and bottom the light has to curve and covers a larger area? Now bear in mind that the more concentrated the sun is the hotter its going to be and vice versa! Glad i stuck in at geograpy classes! sorry i cant remember the name of the effect!
  • It requires more torque to spin the toilet water, this means that the atmosphere is more mechanically active by photons.
  • Also, before i forget.... The ice and snow which covers the poles reflects a lot of the heat energy. This i believe is the albedo effect!
  • The sun is more directly overhead at the equator. The rays of the sun are more concentrated when they strike the earth perpendicularly. Try this. At midday stand outside and face the direction of the sun. If you are in the Southern Hemisphere you will be facing North. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere you will be looking South - always towards the Equator.

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