• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Whirlpool Washing Machines Are Durable

    Whirlpool has long been known as a reliable manufacturer of washing machines. Its top-loading and front-loading models are energy efficient and rarely need repairs. Many Whirlpool owners use their washers for 10 years or more with no issues.

    On the Other: Whirlpool Washing Machines Are Not Cheap

    If your budget is small, Whirlpool may not be for you. As of 2009, most models in the line range from $500 to $1,200, but the base models lack many of the expected features, such as a bleach dispenser or temperature control. Paying a higher price may get you a washing machine that will last longer than the base models.

    Bottom Line

    Spending more on a Whirlpool washing machine will get you more features and greater reliability. If budget is an issue right now, start with a base model, but plan to upgrade when the machine has problems. In general, Whirlpool provides a reliable, high-quality washing machine.


    Whirlpool: Washing Machines

    Washing Machine Wizard: Whirlpool Washers

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