• According to Webster's New World College Dictionary, a garnet is a hoisting tackle for loading cargo. A garnet is also a very hard mineral occurring mainly as a crystal.

    Garnet as Hoisting Tackle

    A garnet is used to hoist heavy cargo and equipment. Garnets are often found on ships or in harbors to load and unload freight. Garnets come in various shapes and sizes.

    Garnets as Mineral

    According to Webster's, the garnet mineral group is composed of very hard silicate minerals with the generic formula AB(SiO). Such minerals generally occur as well-formed crystals in metamorphic rocks.

    Garnets as Gems

    The red varieties of the garnet mineral group are commonly used as gemstones. Ordinary garnet varieties are often used as abrasives.


    The word "garnet" can mean to describe a dark, red color. It most likely came from the Middle-English word "gernet," meaning dark red, or from the Latin "granatus," meaning grain.


    A single crystal in synthetic form can be used in laser and electronics production.


    Webster's New World College Dictionary

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