• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Market Status

    Bissell vacuums have been on the market for over 100 years and are highly regarded for their ability to clean carpets, provide good suction and maintain a long operating life.

    On the Other: Allergy Suffers Beware

    While Bissell's enjoy mostly positive reviews, a few users have complained that Bissell vacuums can be difficult to clean. Several models use a bagless system that requires several filters to be changed. The process can be a bit dusty and might pose problems for someone with allergies.

    Bottom Line

    Bissell vacuums are regularly picked as one of the best brands in the country and combine great functionality with a long warranty. While some allergy sufferers complain that the vacuums can be difficult to clean, others use Bissells to clean their homes and fight allergens.


    Vaccum Wizard: Bissell

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