• Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) includes a range of medical practices in an alternative medical system also used in the Western world. TCM includes herbal medicine such as acupuncture, massage and dietary therapy that involves Chinese Herbology, the art of medicinal herb combining. Chinese herbal formulations come in many forms, including liquid, pill, tea and powders. Each herbal prescription includes a cocktail of many tailored herbs developed for an individual patient.

    The Five Tastes

    The five tastes in Chinese Herbology are sweet, salty, pungent, sour and bitter. Each taste is associated to a certain number of functions. Pungent herbs generate sweat and vitalize the blood. Sour taste is found in astringent herbs to consolidate healthy body function. Salty tastes soften and purge hard masses for better bowel function. Sweet herbs can have a bland taste and usually harmonize the body's systems. Bitter-tasting herbs are used to dispel heat and purge the bowels.

    Herbal Remedies

    Many Chinese herbs come in pill form and are developed to help with specific ailments. Practitioners can create a batch of herbs and specific remedies designed by using one or two main ingredients to target an illness, with other added ingredients for a formula directed toward a patient's particular conditions.

    Popular Chinese Herbs

    Some of the more popular Chinese herbs that build and strengthen the body include ginger, dong quai, wolfberry, Angelica sinensis, ephedra sinica, astragalus, peony, atractylodes, rehmannia, bupleurum, hoelen, cinnamon, licorice, coptis, salvia and rhubarb. Various forms of these herbs and others are often combined to address specific ailments. Most Chinese herbs are available in raw, pill and powder forms.

    Herbal Evaluation

    Consulting a person who specializes in Chinese Herbology or a counseling clinic can offer herbal evaluation and formula recommendations. In this way, herbs that may be beneficial to each specific condition may be prescribed. Information on how to take the prescribed herbs is usually dispensed along with the recommendations.

    Types of Herbal Ingestion

    Usually, herbal formulas are taken two to three times each day. Chinese herbs should be taken according to the directions provided on the bottle or box or by the practitioner prescribing them. Herbs in pill form are usually taken with water or another form of liquid. Some raw forms of herbs may be prepared like a tea, steeped in water to drink. Powder formulas can be dissolved in water or a flavorful juice, such as tomato or orange. For personalized and specifically developed herbal formulas, an herbalist or practitioner usually educates consumers on how to take the herbs for the best effectiveness.


    Chinese Herbs Direct

    Tri State College of Acupuncture

    All Natural

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