• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: An A/C Oil Change May Extend Compressor Life

    Whether a car's A/C compressor oil should be changed depends on how well protected the compressor oil is from contaminates and the quality of the oil. While a compressor suffering from "oil starvation" due to contamination will eventually fail, an uncontaminated compressor containing high-quality oil should not require an oil change.

    On the Other: It's Cost-Prohibitive

    Few people choose to change compressor oil because it's laborious and expensive. For those reasons, most prefer to replace the compressor (and the oil in it) only if it fails.

    Bottom Line

    Replacing the oil in a car's compressor isn't necessary unless the compressor becomes contaminated or inferior oil is used. According to, it's "crucial to use a high quality oil to ensure that it will not break down over time." Replacing a compressor if and when it fails is the most cost-effective option.


    Discount Compressor


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