• House plants are good for your health. Scientific studies show house plants improve physical health. The process by which indoor plants improve health is the same as the process by which plant life benefits the earth's atmosphere. By following simple guidelines, you can improve your home and work environments.


    Indoor plants improve air quality. A two-year 1989 NASA study tested 19 common house plants for their ability to remove indoor pollutants. (See References 2) The According to the website,, the NASA study showed that indoor plants can remove "up to 87 percent of air toxins in 24 hours." (See References 1) According to the study, the proper number and size of house plants can remove indoor toxins, including ammonia, carbon monoxide and benzene. (See References 1) The study recommended placing 15-to-18 medium to large potted plants in an 1800-square-foot home to improve indoor air quality.


    Plants can fight fatigue and colds. Use house plants to improve indoor air quality and experience improved physical health. A University of Agriculture in Norway study showed that indoor plants can increase energy and relieve cold and allergy symptoms, including coughs and irritated throats "by more than 30 percent." (See References 1) In addition to removing toxins, indoor plants raise humidity levels and decrease dust.

    Types of Plants

    Select the correct types and numbers of indoor plants identified by the NASA study. According to the Clean Air Gardening website, NASA researchers found that beneficial common house plants include varieties of philodendron, dracaena, English ivy and spider plant. (See References 2)


    The Health Benefits of House Plants

    Top Houseplants for Improving Indoor Air Quality

    NASA Research on House Plants

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