• The resting pulse rate is the rate at which the heart beats when a person is awake, but not active. It's a good indicator of general health. Smoking can have a negative effect on the resting pulse rate.

    Ideal Resting Heart Rate

    Most people's resting heart rate should fall between 60 and 80 beats per minute. For people who are very physically fit, the rate can be between 40 and 60 beats per minute. To find your resting heart rate, take your pulse right after waking up in the morning.

    Slower Is Better

    A slower resting heart rate is better than a fast one because it means your body doesn't have to work as hard to perform basic functions. Regular exercise can help lower the resting pulse rate.

    Effects of Smoking

    Smoking can raise a person's resting heart rate by several beats per minute. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, forcing the heart to work harder to get blood through the veins.

    Heart Disease

    Smoking--along with other factors, such as being overweight and/or sedentary--is a major contributor to heart disease. Smokers who are concerned about their heart health should consult a doctor about smoking cessation programs.

    Stopping Smoking

    The positive benefits to the heart begin as soon as a person stops smoking. Blood begins to thin, arteries expand and blood moves more freely through the veins. Quitting smoking, along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, can reverse some of these lifestyle choices' effects on the heart.


    The Effects of Smoking on Your Heart

    Scoop on Smoking: Increased Heart Rate

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