• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: During Nighttime or Inclement Weather

    States vary on their recommendations in the precise times to turn on headlights. Generally, you should turn your headlights on half an hour to an hour before sunset, and turn them on half an hour to an hour after sunrise. Many states also require you to turn your headlights on during periods of rain, sleet, snow, fog etc., when visibility is low. As a rule, whenever you need to turn on your windshield wipers, you should also turn on your headlights.

    On the Other: Some Areas Have Additional Requirements

    There are certain other conditions when you are required to use headlights in some states. These can include while you are driving through tunnels, or while you are driving past construction sites or other areas with increased dust and debris.

    Bottom Line

    There are no laws governing when you should turn off your headlights, so it is advisable to turn them on whenever you feel they would increase your ability to see the road. In fact, many cars now come with daytime running lights, which may never turn off as long as the car is running.

    Source: What Time Do You Turn on Your Headlights?

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