• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Calculate Berry Production

    Blueberry shrub production varies by blueberry cultivar. On average, a mature blueberry shrub will produce approximately 2 gallons of blueberries each year. Decide how many blueberries you want annually to determine how many bushes you need. The more blueberries you plant, the greater your harvest and the more berries you'll have on hand to consume, store or sell.

    On the Other: Greater Work Load

    Blueberry bushes must be spaced approximately 7 feet apart. They also need an annual fertilizing treatment and 2 inches of water per week. Annual pruning is also crucial to encourage new growth and a large berry harvest the next year. The more blueberry shrubs you plant, the more work you'll spend each day maintaining and caring for the plants.

    Bottom Line

    Growing your own blueberry bush can create an abundant source of fresh blueberries. If you have sufficient space, you may be tempted to plant a large number of shrubs. Remember that the more berry plants you grow, the more time and work you'll need to put into the berries' cultivation and harvest.


    Tips on Growing Blueberries

    Grow the Best Blueberries; Vladimir Shutak and Robert Gough; 2001

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