• Commonly referred to as "power steering," with a simple design rack and pinion steering has changed how cars are built.


    Consisting of two major components, a steering "rack" and a "pinion" shaft, rack and pinion steering systems are the most widely used in the world.


    The steering rack is a long piece of metal that's flat on one side containing teeth. The teeth are cut perpendicularly running from one side of the rack to the other like a smile. The pinion shaft is a ground rod running from the steering column with a ball, or joint, on the end of it. The shaft also contains teeth that fit between the teeth of the steering rack.


    At a 90-degree angle, the pinion shaft comes into the steering rack, so the teeth of both mesh together. As the wheel of the vehicle turns, the teeth of the pinion shaft pull the teeth on the steering rack, causing the wheels to turn in the direction desired.


    Because the pinion shaft is attached to the steering column, when the steering wheel is turned, the shaft spins, moving the rack. The steering rack is attached to the steering arms controlling the wheels; so when the rack pulls from way or the other, the wheels turn accordingly.


    The rack and pinion system converts the rotational force of the steering column, into a linear force of the steering rack, making it easier for the wheels to turn.


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