• Computer training is important because computers are now standard in a wide variety of workplaces, even those that do not deal specifically with computers. To earn a living nowadays, you'll probably need some computer skills.


    Computers are used for communications, manipulating data, creating presentations, performing calculations and many other essential work functions.


    The Internet is an important research tool in many professions. Knowing how to conduct targeted Internet searches helps workers find valuable information faster.


    Computer training can increase worker productivity. A task as simple as checking and responding to email can eat up an inordinate amount of time if a worker has not been trained in keyboarding.


    Since computers allow for instant communication, they are a great tool for working remotely, as well as working closely with people in different cities or countries.


    Many jobs require specific computer skills, such as proficiency with Microsoft Excel or Adobe Photoshop or programming knowledge, but general computer skills such as typing, word processing and emailing are important for every worker.


    Info on Computer Skills

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