• The central processing unit, also known as the processor allows a computer to run programs smoothly. If a program drains too much of the processor's resources, the computer will display a message that says the program "exceeds normal cpu usage."


    The processor, also known as the central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. The first computers had enormous processors that were the size of an entire room; however, they had far less power than today's processors.

    Modern Processors

    The most high-tech processors today--microprocessors--are powerful enough to handle thousands of tasks at once. Yet they are smaller than the tip of a finger.


    Microprocessors control all the programs and services that run on a computer. You can view each of these with Task Manager, and you can also monitor their use of the CPU's resources.

    "Exceeds Normal CPU Usage"

    When you receive the error message that says a program or service "exceeds normal cpu usage," that means the item is taking up too much of the processor's resources, and the system may crash if you don't interfere immediately.


    To fix the error, close the program that triggered the problem, and then close any other resource-hogging programs that you're not using. Allow the computer to stabilize, and then you can go back to using the program that caused the failure.


    What Is the Meaning of CPU Usage?

    High CPU Usage

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