• Norvasc is a common prescription drug that is often recommend to people suffering from high blood pressure and angina (chest pains due to lack of oxygen to the heart). It also may be prescribed to treat artery blockages.

    How Does Norvasc Work?

    Norvasc works by blocking the uptake of calcium into the heart and arteries. This allows the arteries to open and lessens the contraction of the heart. This allows more oxygen to get to the heart.

    How to Take

    Norvasc is designed to be taken once every 24 hours. However, follow your doctor's instructions when taking Norvasc.

    Side Effects

    Some side effects of taking Norvasc are edema (swelling), fatigue, headache and dizziness, according to Pfizer, the manufacturer of Norvasc. However, each of these side effects was reported by patients less than 10 percent of the time. Pfizer also reports that on rare occasions, heart attacks have occurred as a result of patients starting Norvasc.

    Norvasc in Caudet

    Norvasc also is found in Caudet. Caudet is a prescription medication that combines Norvasc and Lipitor, which is used to help lower cholesterol.

    How to Get Norvasc

    Norvasc is a prescription medication. It can be obtained only through a doctor.




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