• Slow computers are a normal part of the life of a computer user. Although some problems, like an overloaded website server, are beyond your control, other problems can be fixed by correcting any of the following problems.


    Viruses, trojans, spyware and hijackers can all take control of your computer and significantly slow it down. At best, these programs will spam you with annoying ads. At worst, they'll steal your personal information.

    Too Many Windows

    Having too many programs running in the background will put a strain on your RAM. Many computer users have programs running in their bottom-right tray that they aren't aware of.

    Desktop Icons

    Your computer commits each desktop icon to memory, and this memory is better used for speeding up your computer. Move as many icons off your desktop as possible.

    Defragment and Cleanup Needed

    Computers need disk cleanup and disk defragmentation programs run on a weekly basis.

    Too Many Installed Programs

    Reduced disk space can slow down your computer as it has to search for more space to save temporary files.

    Slow RAM

    Updating your RAM or using a RAM-boosting program can increase the speed of your computer.


    My Computer Is Running Slow

    Malware Info

  • Not enough RAM, not a fast enough processor, running out of hard drive space. Those sorts of things. +5
  • I had the same problem. This is what I did: First of all remove all the big files from your desktop. If your hard disk is full get some external usb hard disk and move all your movies and pictures there. Then update you antivirus and antispyware and run a full scan. After that a defragmentation is a good idea. If the problems still persist then you should use a decent registry cleaner. If you are not sure which one to use maybe you could do what I did. Visit the They should be able to help you. I would advice you not to temper with your registry.

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