• Normal, or healthy, cholesterol levels are those less than 200 mg\dL. Cholesterol is produced naturally in the body and also is present in food. Diet, exercise and medication can influence your cholesterol level.

    Healthy: Less than 200mg\dL

    People with cholesterol levels lower than 200mg\dL have a low risk for coronary heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. People who fall within this cholesterol range should get their cholesterol checked at least once every five years.

    Borderline-high risk: 200 to 239 mg/dL

    According to the American Heart Association, people who fall within this cholesterol range should speak to their doctor to create a treatment and prevention plan to lower their cholesterol.

    High risk: Above 240 mg/dL

    People with an elevated cholesterol level have a high risk for chronic illness and heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. If you fall within this cholesterol range, you should speak to your doctor about taking cholesterol-reducing medications and making lifestyle changes.


    LDL (bad) and HDL (good) cholesterol are the two main types of cholesterol found in the body.


    You can reduce your cholesterol level by eating foods lower in cholesterol and exercising more. If those steps are insufficient, the National Cholesterol Education Program suggests speaking to your doctor about taking cholesterol-reducing medication.


    American Heart Association

    National Cholesterol Education Program

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