• Losing your hair can be a traumatic experience. Even children can experience sudden hair loss due to a few different factors.

    Most Common Cause

    Tenia capitis, ringworm of the scalp, is the most common cause of hair loss in children. This fungal infection causes small patches of hair to fall out and leads to baldness on many parts of the scalp. Tenia capitis is uncommon after children reach their teenage years.


    Extreme stress can result in sudden hair loss in children; losing hair can add to the stress causing further hair loss.

    Hair Loss Overnight

    Alopecia areata is a disease that appears overnight or over a few days. This occurs when the body's immune system starts attacking the hair follicles.

    Ponytails and Braids

    Trauma to the hair shaft, such as tight ponytails and braids or consistent friction, can also cause hair to fall out in children.


    Treatments available for hair loss in children include antifungal medicine, shampoos, dermatology and counseling. The reason for the hair falling out must first be diagnosed by a pediatrician or dermatologist.


    Hair Loss Causes

    American Hair Loss Association

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