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  • I think it's a good thing as it shows that he has been hurt before, so he knows what it's like. He also knows how to guard himself from that hurt. This is a guy who shouldn't be taken advantage of, not that any guy ever should be. Maybe I'm weird, but I'm actually attracted to guys with trust issues. It shows that they actually cared in their past relationships and they most likely weren't just in it for sex. As for the texting thing, that depends on the two people doing the texting.
  • Yip i see what you are saying, and i do agree with it. The thing is he says that he likes me and that and we have really intense conversations as the one above in my question. The thing that scares me is i have been hurt as well and understand where he is coming from but even through i only met him for the first time on sat im just scared of getting hurt. He says that im the type of gal he is looking for but due to past issues he allways ends up breaking things off with the gald he starts dating when thing start to become sereous and the thing is i do like this guy and for some reason cant get him off my mind and i dont no why! The only reason i ask about the texting is before we met up for the first time he allways texted me each evening first to see how i was but now its me thats texting him each evening first. IS that a bad thing as i dont was to look as if im running after a guy? Any advise ppl?

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