• Because I is a pronoun of only one letter.
  • I don't know - the French and Germans don't do the same with "je" and "ich", nor the Spanish with "yo". I'm sure it's similar with other languages. Maybe it's the egocentricity of the English? However, we don't insist on a capital letter for "me" or "mine"... Mmm... curious. I'll have to do some research!
  • Hey g, what's up? I don't know the answer, unfortunately. I hope you don't down rate me because of it. Please. <she says while smiling and holding her hands in a pleading manner>
  • Because when you write something and you include "I" that means you're the narrator. Also "I" is the only one with one letter.
  • Great question! My hubby agrees with s_g so points to him, and deemikay makes a good point - so points there. and idontknow was so cute, that i wont downrate there!
  • I've found an answer! Details are: 12c. shortening of O.E. ic, first person sing. nom. pronoun, from P.Gmc. *ekan. Reduced to i by 1137 in northern England, it began to be capitalized c.1250 to mark it as a distinct word and avoid misreading in handwritten manuscripts. "The reason for writing I is ... the orthographic habit in the middle ages of using a 'long i' (that is, j or I) whenever the letter was isolated or formed the last letter of a group; the numeral 'one' was written j or I (and three iij, etc.), just as much as the pronoun." [Otto Jespersen, "Growth and Structure of the English Language," p.233]
  • The single letter words "I" and "O" are always capitalized Names of relationships are capitalized only when they are a part of or a substitute for a person's name (I remember my Uncle Arthur. My uncle is unforgettable). This rule probably applies to "you" "us" or "we" also, so may be the reason for lack of capitalization(Are you going to the store vs. Are Matt going to the store...doesn't work)
  • I think it is because "I" is one letter only. Each language has its own rules regarding capitalisation, and this is just one of those in English.
  • Because we have grown self-centred, and this benefits those who feed off the excesses of consumerism.

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