• I'm aware.
  • Could you expand on this? Most "progressives" that I know are happy with the Constitution, but think that "conservatives" read into it things that are not there, but are just habits from the past. I think modern conservatives would find the writers of the Constitution to be dangerous progressives.
  • You Sir are a racist!
  • The US Constitution limits the powers of government. This is terrific for the citizens since their life is, in fact, better without lots of government interference. Progressives don't believe in the individual and believe government control is good so they see the limits on the powers of government as bad. The evidence is clear but progressives are making an emotional decision not a logical one.
  • I'm aware that many Conservatives are very annoyed at the Constitution. Which is one of the reasons why the Civil War came about. No it hasn't struck me that way, Mr. Seditionist.
  • I'm a progressive, and I can't imagine living in a country without a Constitution like ours. . The differences that bug you (and bug me in reverse) are differences of interpretation of broadly-stated principles. . Take equal protection. It boils down to treating everybody equally and fairly, unless there's a good reason not to. We used to think denying marriage licenses to inter-racial couples was fair because we didn't see them as equal. Now we do. . I think we should treat gay couples fairly, because I do see them (us -- just to disclose my bias) as equal. Most courts and legislatures don't agree with that. . So we keep talking. I get that you'd like that to stop with regard to constitutional interpretations that you like and wish would stay the same. (My examples above are generic -- I have no idea what your position is on either issue, and I wouldn't want to mischaracterize it.) . It doesn't work that way, and it never has. The only way it would is if the First Amendment went away. Has it struck you that conservatives in America really wish the Bill of Rights did not exist? . (Except for the 2nd Amendment.)
  • I'm a progressive and wish that the conservatives actually followed the constitution instead of trying to rewrite history.
  • I think the same could be said about most people whose beliefs are at the extreme left or right.
  • It's pretty obvious. They hate the Constitution and all it stands for. They prefer the guidance of Mao.

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