• Exposure to mold can cause health effects in some people. The most common effects are allergic responses from breathing mold spores. These allergic responses include hay fever or asthma and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat or lungs. Experts dont relly know how much mold is too much as everyones reactions to allergens can vary greatly depending on individual sensitivity. Allergic responses can come from exposure to dead as well as to living mold spores. I never recommend using bleach on anything. It's an unsafe product. You can purchase much safer mold remediation products from any hardware store. We use a product called "Sporicidin" on all of our water restoration projects. However, we buy it from our supplier, so im not sure if this is something that is sold to the public in stores. I urge you to not take this problem lightly, if you can not get rid of the problem, call a professional. Good Luck!

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