• Put him in a headlock and noogie him till he calls you uncle.
  • I would, yes, considering he is your uncle.
  • Ofcourse, it would be rude of you not too as you should always address family by their title. As an adult I still refer to my aunts and uncles as auntie rose and uncle peter etc.
  • Of course, you would refer to him as your uncle. But you two should decide what you want to actually call him.
  • He *is* your uncle. But, you are free to address him any way you like. My aunts and uncles, I simply address by their first names.
  • My father has an uncle who is a year younger than him. He was just "Dennis" to him, and they always claimed to be cousins at school.
  • If that were me, I would refer to him as my uncle (since that is what he is) when talking about him to others outside the family, but I would not use that name when addressing him or talking about him to other members of the family. I have been taught use the word "uncle" for any man, related or not, who is an elder (usually two generations older) and has a strong personal tie to my family. As I use it as a sign of respect for these elders (elder being the key), so I wouldn't go about calling him Uncle Billy (or whatever) to his face.
  • Officially he is your uncle,so unless he asks to be called by his first name it would better to call him uncle.
  • You could say, Uncle Bill with a smile.
  • 'Uncle' is an honorific and is not a necessary title for someone who is younger than you. Referring to him as an uncle seems natural where the purpose is to indicate that you are speaking specifically of little Aloysius your uncle as opposed to littler Aloysius your third cousin. You might also use it for explaining his relationship to you.
  • Ask him what he wants... He may want to be called by the title of Uncle, or he may want to be addressed as an equal and just have you use his name.
  • why not call him by his name,what does he call you? i don't know your gender but my aunts and uncles don't call me nephew jim,they just call me jim. if some one ask you then you say yes that is my uncle. if you are at the arcade or where ever i would think he would be uncomfortable being called uncle all the time,I would. you could pick a little pet name for him and call him that,you know something like "slick" "dewboy" something respectful. You could do what the person ahead of me said,ask him his opinion.

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