• According to, it's 7. However another useful source of this type of information (although you would have to hunt a bit) is the CIA World Factbook ( Hope this helps.
  • Never believe numbers in Wikipedia! Always go to original and trusted sources. The number of official languages in the European Union (which covers only part of Europe and includes only about half of the states) can be found at the official web page of the European Union: It is 23 official languages. "Official language" means that these languages are the languages in which one can communicate with authorities and for which translations services are available throughout the European Union. For Europe as a whole there is no "official" language. All in all, 225 indigenous languages are spoken in Europe. Many Europeans are bi- or pluri-lingual, inside many countries there are two or more "official languages" (e.g. Switzerland: German, French, Italian, Retoromanic)

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