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  • How in the world would we know if he likes you, go ask him.
  • He probably does sounds like he is pretty shy, sounds like your pretty shy as well. Theres only one way to find out, ask him over to do something or on a date, or smile at him and look at him, you need to do something :).
  • Well yeah, I'd say he likes you. The signs seem pretty clear. But I wouldn't do anything about it till he grows a pair and takes some initiative and treats you special instead of creepily staring at you. That's just what I'd say...
  • go for some small event with him. like invit him to eat lunch with you, or get some coffee. i dont know how old you are but you sound school aged. just think of some way to have a conversation with him. it is very abvious he is shy and i am tempted to agree with the person who said "wait till he grows a pair" but i am shy too, it is better if you just dont wait for some big dramtic moment. DO NOT ASK HIM OUT YET! just walk with him to his next class or something. once you start talking you kids have all the time in the world to work out who started the relationship, who likes who, ect...
  • I do the first move if I know the guy is too shy. It's pretty simple, just say hi and what's ur name and then the conversation will go on and on. I did this to a guy who sits next beside and that was our first meeting and what happens next? we fell in love.
  • Little lady, if you're both of legal age - meaning he can date you without getting in trouble with the law - go and talk to him. HOWEVER, if you're too young for him in the eyes of the law, ignore him. Getting involved with him if you're too young could get him in a lot of trouble. Not a nice thing to do if you really like him. Besides, older men should stick to women their age and not trifle with young girls.

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