• If they aren't reported, how would we know? I would guess the number is pretty high, especially for smaller property crimes, but its only a guess.
  • From my intro to sociology textbook (2000): "Most crimes are never reported to the police, principally because many people don't think their victimization is important enough to be worth reporting or because they doubt that the police can help them.... About 1/5 of all crimes reported to the police are actually solved by arrest." From the FAQ section of "The UCR [Uniform Crime Index] Program details reported crime. Is there any program in operation which attempts to address unreported crime? Yes. The U.S. Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) estimates the number of unreported serious crimes nationwide. The Internet address for the Bureau of Justice Statistics, which conducts the NCVS, is" That link lists the following to collect additional data about unreported crimes: National Computer Security Survey Emergency Room Statistics on Intentional Violence City-level survey of crime victimization and citizen attitudes National Crime Victimization Survey

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