• Not only Principles of math. But most levels of calculus.
  • Of course, how else will you be able to be sure of ripping off every client you find?
  • no you don't have to be good at math, and I am an architect and I am sure
  • It seems like you would. I saw another answer that said no. I'm sure there are programs that make it less necessary that it used to be. But I would get a strong background in math if I were interested in that career.
  • I hesitate to contradict someone who actually is an architect, but don't buildings have to be structurally sound? If your building looks pretty, but collapses, you haven't really done your job. I would think that there is a great deal of engineering know-how involved.
  • All accredited professional degree programs in architecture require a sequence of courses in structures, that would typically include statics, steel construction, and concrete construction. These are complex engineering courses that require a strong foundation in math. Students with poor math skills are often unable to pass these courses and/or the corresponding portion of the architectural registration exam.
  • yes, specifically geometry
  • Yup, math is 1 of an architect's main tools.

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