• Turkey is the only poultry native to America and so that is why it became a part of Thanksgiving dinner
  • The tradition of serving Turkey comes from a letter written 22yrs after the first celebration by William Bradford "History of Plymouth Plantation". This letter sent to Edward Winslow, a known as a Pilgrim. The letter described how the governor sent "four men out Fowling". They returned not only with Turkeys, they also brought back ducks and geese. Branford’s letter was lost during the War of Independence when the British took it way. Thankfully, was rediscovered in 1854 and the Turkey turned out to be a popular symbol of Thanksgiving Day. Benjamin Franklin was in favor of changing the National Bird from the Bald Eagle to the Turkey.
  • Because it's delicious?
  • THe US Goverment committed genocide on the Indians and decided to glorify this dumbass story about the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria. Then they decided to throw in a turkey to just confuse young children even more. Now all we think about is getting full and dont even know what the day is about -Happy thanksgiving !!! (debbie downer lol)
  • Well, it started with the Turkey Trot, of course, when people would race their prize turkeys against each other for high stakes. Then the tradition became that the losing turkey would be tortured in front of the other turkeys as a way to incentivize them to perform better. Some of them were scared to death by this display, and then all of a sudden the turkey owners were left with dead bird carcasses laying around, and nothing better to do with them, so they ate the damn things. Thanks, turkey-racers! Or maybe it has something to do with Christmas shopping.

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