• Changing negative thoughts.
  • Start by going to see a doctor. There are many effective treatments out there. There is no reason to live like this.
  • You need to change your mind, your chemically imbalanced.see your local shaman or herbalist or if you have health insurance see your health provider be careful of meds that may cause suicide
  • Hit a spa and treat yourself to the works then go buy yourself some new cloths and last, and the main ingredient is to fall in love, works miracles!
  • First is to suffer externally. It does wonders. Develop self-discipline, live under ascetic conditions, join a monastery, join a martial arts course - which one isn't so important because it's the discipline and structure you're going for. Physical discipline translated to mental discipline. Second - go to the gym. It's a chore for many, but getting the musculature, cardiovascular and pulmonary systems back in shape really helps clear a lot of crap out that causes chemical depression. Third - diet! Tis a chore too, but with discipline, it can be mastered. The keys are to avoid winter vegetables and foods rich in Omega-6 fatty acids. These cause lethargy and weight gain, which is why winter foods have so much. They also put it in a lot of food as a preservative. Stick to plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid simple carbohydrates, as they get turned into fat before they are burned up, and high fructose corn syrup, because it confuses the liver and pancreas, and the brain can't utilize it well, making it nothing but junk. Also avoid foods high in LDL cholesterol - find things that contain HDL, as it keeps the circulatory system clean. Eat whole grains, spring vegetables, and basically follow the Mediterranean food pyramid, but with the vegetable and grain categories reversed. Buy natural or organic when you can. Finally, the best thing to do is talk to someone about your feelings. There are hundreds of programs to help people who can't afford therapy if you can't. The only way to beat depression is to accept both the depression, and the fact that it's time to change.
  • Do something you enjoy that will help you "forget" going for a walk with your headphones in and sing along exercise is a great way to help beat depression
  • i find if you like music listen too it cheers me up if you like too read gets your mind off things. socialise with friends join a club or sports team walking clears your mind writhing in a journal good/bad times talk to friends /family
  • see a doctor, get help. if you can't then you have to change. get out and do something for others. helping others in some way will help you. do things different in you life.
  • eat your fav foods lol
  • Call me.
  • I recommend going for a walk everyday. It gets the blood flowing. Walking sends more oxygen to your brain, you start to think clearer. We are mortal and physical and we need to nourish our brains with oxygen and we need to nourish our muscles with oxygen. lack of oxygen and water are the two biggest reasons for depression.
  • Force yourself to feel happy and do something you like.
  • talk to someone about it , and tell them what make u feel depressed . also u can a list of things u really like and then get them done .
  • You need to develop a posiitve mind state. Think in terms of good thoughts. How? For the next 30days begin to use affirmations every morning and night. using affirmation creates positive change with your mind over time with daily use. Here are some affirmations you can use to change your though patterns 1. I am a positive person 2. I love positive self talk 3. I am rich with positive thoughts 4. I have a positive brain 5. I enjoy thinking positive 6. I think positive with ease
  • What is 'self' depression? If you mean depression in general it can depend. Is it reactive? (meaning depression coming from an event) Or chronic? post-natal? atypical? if the cause is different there may be different answers. eg drugs, therapy, time, counselling and so forth
  • 1 way is with medication, this is nothing to laugh about, it can lead to many bad things, see a doctor.
  • Push yourself outdoors and do something, even if you do not feel like it. It is easier to act your way into new thinking than to think your way into new acting.

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