• Its best to be honest with him. Even if you don't want to hurt him, it would be hurtful in the long run if you weren't truthful and it would also be a waste of both your time. Just tell him as tactfully as you can and if he can't accept that atleast you did what you could do.
  • to be honest with u theres no way u can word it with hurtin his feelins so tell him the truth a would tell him gently cos he gunna start askin y ad just say looka a dont want to hurt u but a dont like u in that wat and never will
  • Well, do not mis-understand me, but Firstly I would say that Loving someone is pretty easy but being loved by someone is what that takes a great deal... Anyways, even I feel sorry for knowing your feelings about this. If you know him, i mean he's not a stranger to you, then probably you can make him undeestand that you dont want to enter any such kind of relationship. You can advise him to be good friends, and enjoy each others company being friends. Love is not the only feeling that can develop any relationship, A true relationship may even be developed upon the real value of care for someone. Make him understand this and be supportive with him if really you do not wish to hurt him... Wish you a nice time...
  • THis is going to sound mean... But whatever. Hurt his feelings. Sometimes you are actually doing someone a favor when your honesty snaps them out of a life of moving on to the next woman and driving her nuts too. Chnces are, if you are the one who is strong enough to hurt him (gently of course) *DOn't be a totoal Beeatch... But if you help him to get the message... You'll be doing him a favore in the future and preventing another stalker from being born
  • Age 14 is too young to be thinking about love. It should be a time of fun. Tell him the truth. express your feelings and do not leave him "hanging on". Be sincere and tell him you are honored, but the feeling is not mutual.
  • tell him there is another girl who has got a crush on him , stuff like that , then he wont have to know that u dont want him .

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