• Until you 18 sweetie...she's the boss.
  • I think that at your age you're way past spanking as a disciplinary method. (Not that I endorse its frequent practice for any other age groups). I would say it's wrong if it happens on a regular basis, there should be other means for your parents to properly "punish" or discipline you.
  • Seems a bit strange to me. 5 yo? Okay. 15+? Seems it would be humiliating and unnecessary. You should be able to understand more adult forms of punishment by now. Employers don't spank. They warn, penalize, and fire.
  • A age 16 I considered both of my daughters as "adults", ( as long as they acted like adults ). They did and they never disappointed me or my wife and they were considered adults from that moment on. I don't know how your parents raise a family - it differs from house to house...but that's how my family did it. If you act like a fully functional rational adult you will be treated as one - with all the rights AND responsibilities accorded an adult in our society. Perhaps you need the same sort of arrangement in your to your mother about it. Take care.
  • I am proud of you for admitting in other comments that you needed punishment, however at your age spankings are not really an appropriate punishment due to the sexual connotations that they gain by just about anyone who has access to a typical TV and internet connection. I'm sure your mother was not being sexual, however you might want to discuss the connotations that spankings have in this day and age if you're over 5 years old.
  • I think you answered your own question, "I feel it was my own fault and she's a great mom." It was a little embarrassing to you I am sure but I am also sure she did it out of love for you. You should go give her a hug and tell her thank you, you learned from your mistake and spanking and that you love her. As long as you live or are under your parents roof you must live by their rules as long as they are not harmful or totally unjust. I always abided by my parents rules even when I was in my 50s, married and visiting. I did this out of respect for them. My parents are both gone now but I think they did a pretty good job of raising me and I thank them for that; spankings and all.
  • I'd think at 16 you'd be old enough to make the connection between "I broke the lamp" and "I have to pay for it," or "I came home late and so I have to do all these extra chores". Spanking is for when you're too young for that, when you need *instant* negative reinforcement because if you throw a tantrum in the supermarket and then have to sit in the time-out chair after the 10-minute ride home and helping unload the car, you won't even remember what you did. I'm not sure it's "wrong," exactly, but it's definitely weird. And looking at your past questions for context, tsk tsk tsk. I think the mature thing to do now would be to pay for damage or clean up the mess and be the perfect kid for a while. For as much as you talk about how awesome your mother is, it's a bit stunning that you'd try to push her over the edge on a dare, she maybe feels a bit like a failure at the moment. Go, shoo, go tell her you love her and you're sorry and you'll fix it and stuff.
  • Why didn't you debate your way out of that nonsense?
  • If you took it too far, she probably just didn't think and reacted. Trying to put you back into your spot as the child, and her as the mother. I'm 25 years old, and no matter how old I'll still be my mother's little girl, and therefore I know never to cross her. You two seem like you have a nice relationship, don't ever try to make it wrong with her, not for anyone.
  • I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest. Spanking is a punishment you give children. At your age, you shouldn't really be considered a child. However, if what you did that required punishment was childish, I think it's an appropriate punishment. As much as people are saying over the age of 5-ish it shouldn't be used... I tihnk it can be very effective since it now has the embarrassment aspect. And the best way to punish a teenager is to embarrass them.
  • I don't think there is a sexual connotation as someone said, if your mom is spanking you and she cried afterwards. Did she spank you with her hand and was it on the bare bottom or not? My mom spanked me until I was 17, but only twice after age 13. (Both of those were bare bottom but that was always how she did it.) I think grounding is a better discipline for teens, but getting those two spankings when I was older really straightened me up and got my attention.
  • If you see the justice in it, why are you posing the question?
  • Did you like it? ;) Maybe she was making a move on you.
  • Obviously, you have the maturity to know that what you did was wrong. If that's the case, then you didn't need to be spanked. Spanking is for children who are too young to understand why their actions are wrong, so parents administer a quick swat on the butt to deter them from doing it again. At your age, your mom should be reasoning with you and relying on other, more age-appropriate punishments, like taking away privileges.
  • You know you deserved it, I hope you learned a lesson. Sometimes the only way to get a teen's attention is something out of the ordinary. So it is none of anyone else' business.
  • what the hell did you do to get spanked..??
  • IF you had a spanking coming .. then let it go .... Personally' I prefer to take away possession for a period of time and privledges ... What did you do to get the "Spanking " .. ? +5
  • Its...kinda weird that your mom spanked you and your 16 Im turning 18 soon its like my mom spanking me...its kinda weird no offense
  • I think this is a bullshit question but any kid that would let their mom spank them at 16 is a wimp unless their moms built like a female professional wrestler!
  • Its a little odd, but i don't know the particulars, if you say you feel it was your fault, your probably right, and yes this could be her way of showing you she is still in charge, you would know her better then anyone else. Go with your feelings on things like this, they will usually tell you the right answers.
  • She's showing you who's boss.
  • Hitting a person to make them behave is always wrong, no matter what age.
  • that is just weird, your too old to be spanked... unless its by your significant other but thats different bottom line you should be grounded not spanked
  • Noo it is not wrong! what is the world coming too ! and your not aloud to raise your voice at kids now either
  • My mum hits me sometimes too. Usually happens when I back talk her or when she simply can't except truth. Either way, in certain circumstances as Herman says, you must have deserved it. All in all, she doesn't love you any less. She was just trying to teach you a lesson the old fashioned style.
  • I think there are better ways to get a point across than physical attack. When a person resorts to physical brute on a person, especially if they are an adult in a teaching role, it shows that they lack in creativity or have not researched what else they can do to get the point across. Please don't think less of your Mother because of my words. She's doing what she knows. She loves you more than you'l ever know. Until you have a child anyway.
  • I'm not quite sure what you mean by "her way of showing me who is in charge still". Maybe you might want to explain some more so people can give you better feedbacks. Anyways, I'm going to write this from general point of view (without any excessive family dramas). I don't think what she did was necessarily wrong. But this is one of those areas where it's very difficult to give one clear answer. There are many parenting beliefs, histories and different ways of discipline in different cultures on this planet. If she doesn't spunk you all the time (and I think that's the case for you, only once in a while if not the first time), I think it was just the approach she took in order to show you what's wrong and what's right based on her beliefs as a parent. Maybe she now regrets that she spanked you. But even then, that's how it is. A parent learn from raising the child and I think parents grow with the kids (though I never had one so correct me someone if I'm wrong). From the way you described, I think you have a great mum. You are still 16. She can be in charge at least a little bit :-) You might miss those times one day once you became completely independent. Btw, my parents spanked me once in a while and I think they did it right.
  • You are at a very 'awkward age' (no insult!) and so are all your friends - I mean, up until now you've all pretty much done what your parents said. Now you are comparing notes, and also making up your own minds about how life should be. Of course you are going to get loads of different replies if you ask people of your age a question like that. It depends what you mean by 'spanked' - at 16 you are too big to be forced over someone's knee. If you went too far and she lost her cool and slapped you, well only you know if her frustration was about her own comfort, or about being pushed to the limits of what she can take, or whether it was about knowing you can be so much more and are letting yourself down. The other thing about this 'awkward stage'? Your disagreements with your mom are halfway between a parent-child punishment thing, and an adult to adult scrap. If she bruised you, marked you or used an implement on you then your relationship has real problems, but otherwise you are changing daily and she's having as much trouble as you are, just keeping up. You are both 'making it up as you go along' and I think you are right to give her the benefit of the doubt. Be kind to her, keep yourself in check, and don't go airing her dirty laundry in public like this unless you fear for your safety. That way you'll always have your own self-respect.
  • I think its really wierd.i would have used some other punishment.
  • My mom and my brothers are used to hit me until 20 years old. It's very common in most of the families.
  • Your mom probably is a great mom. You're just a little old to be spanked. Another form of discipline would have probably been better in this case if you had disobeyed on purpose. Maybe when you have a chance and you're both calm you could discuss alternate forms of discipline. She is still the authority in your life and you should still obey her but physical discipline works best on small children.
  • I think it was totally out of order to be honest. You're 16. I don't agree with hitting children anyway (outside a slap on the wrist), but you're not even a child any more. I can't believe someone would do that... It sounds horrible and humiliating. I am not saying that she isn't a great mother, she may be. I happen to think mine has been great too, but I know she's done some nasty and out of order things to me before. The fact that she has been good on other occasions and has raised you well doesn't excuse her behaviour this time. I definitely believe it was wrong.

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