• Not ironic. American.
  • Maybe ironic. Maybe demonstrative of somebody supremely principled, and not out to stick the country with the bill for his own problems. Aside, do you have a source for the statement that he has no insurance?
  • Well, he is to be pitied, but like all right wing terorists, he is unaware of the real issues. Being in this situation will not impact him positively in any manner because his mind is closed. +5 for the question, but it's not recording for some reason yet.
  • that is the definition of irony, but he still hopes it doesn't pass lol =)
  • he's probably a, ummmmm, buddy of karl rove and he'll have all of his medical bills taken care of by the RNC.
  • I don't see it as ironic but I do see as a sign of what's truly behind the town hall meetings: racism and the unquestionable desire of the Right Wing nutjobs to see Obama fail but whatever the means just to prove their racist point (whatever that may be)
  • Update: He has insurance, through his wife's employer, and yet he continues to accept donations. Truly a Principled man, as someone once called him.
  • Just another example of an angry American who couldn't even tell you what in the heck he is mad about but I'll bet you it was someone elses fault - he has done everything he could, he was abused as a child, he was born under the wrong sign, and so on. Ironic? No, I'm going to go with sad. +5

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