• You are only supposed to be able to get a police report if you are affected by or owner to any of the property or involved in some way, such as an insurance company, witness, victim, violator, or owner to loss of property. The police in my city are very strict with this policy, but there have been times where I could get the report simply by giving the report number and date of incident.
  • Im Sorry but the above person is somewhat incorrect. Police reports are public record under the United States Public Record Act/or Freedom of Information Act. Anyone including the media can get any copy of a police report. Now, there will be instances that reports will have important sensitive information that might be blacked out if there is still an ongoing investigation. The only exception is crash reports. Those are only available to the persons involved in the crash, and/or the registered owner of the vehicles involved.
  • Yes, police reports are public records and anyone can purchase a copy.
  • It actually depends what state you are in. The federal law initiated the 1974 Privacy act. Under this policy only certain records are availble to the public. Divorce, Marriage, death and birth are some public records that can be obtained. Other documents, depending on State Laws, are supposed to have written consent of the person or people involved due to the sensitive information contained therein.

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