• Obama gave that order???
  • Tsk tsk. You are certain to piss off the liberals with that question. Shame on you.
  • well first of all Obama is not invading Afghanistan, Bush already did that and our troops were already there when he took office. and second of all the Afghanistan government back then supported and was controlled by the Taliban who encouraged and harboured the group that killed 2900 in New York. that invasion that Bush started i support, not the one in Iraq as we invaded there with false information that was fabricated in my opinion.
  • Your ignorance worries me. However, it also delights me. Questions like this (and the ones that Wraith of God, Payton, Prisoner, etc) ask make all Republicans look like morons and I'm all for that.
  • Obama has not invaded Afghanistan. He has continued an invasion/occupation which preceded his taking office. The logic of what to do after an event has irrevocably taken place is very different from that when the event could be prevented. That said, I supported the invasion of Afghanistan, and I still do, with some qualms. I don't believe that was a Bush "doctrine" - it was a response to events. On 10/11/2001, Bush would probably have denied ever wanting to invade Afghanistan, but would have admitted, privately at least, wanting to invade Iraq (there are personal testimonies to prove this). So the invasion of Iraq was doctrine, that of Afghanistan was immediate response.
  • Just to keep the facts straight, Obama did not invade Afghanistan, but he is participating in and sustaining the war that Bush started. And yes, it bothers me -- but I'm quite sure that the Taliban are a very dangerous bunch, it's more justifiable than starting the Iraq war, where there was really no credible threat to America. War is just a very crude tool for working out international relations, and I doubt the long-term value of the war in Afghanistan. But that's not the same as standing up on my soapbox, declaring myself the All-Knowing Oracle, and condemning the current activity of the current administration there.
  • Bush did not "invade" Afghanistan. Afghanistan was not invaded. We are there with the support of the Afghan government to suppress and destroy the Taliban. If the country was "invaded" its ruling government and its citizens would be fighting against us also. Obama is not following "Bush Doctrine", He knows that the enemy that attacked us is taking refuge in the Afghan mountains without that countrys' consent. Although I don't agree with some of Obamas policies , I believe he is going after the real enemy that attacked us and murdered thousands of people on 9/11.
  • Obama is NOT invading anyone, he is reinforcing the troops who are already there at the request of the Government of Afghanistan ... Now if your mate Bush had of finished what was started in the first place in Afghanistan the U.S and the other countries who are still there would not be now ... but Bush INVADED Iraq instead of finishing the job at hand ... what worries me are fools like you sprouting bullshit
  • The us has been fighting a war in Afghanistan for the better part of a decade now. Bush invaded, not Obama. Have you been sniffing glue or something?
  • I think you need to buy a history book. Afghanistan was attacked because it's government refused to hand over the leaders that attacked our country. Bush invaded what was left of a territory rather than a real country. The Bush doctrine was a justification for "preemptive" strikes against countries that "may become threats". I think Hitler used similar logic. The difference between Bush and Hitler is a moustache and intelligence. Bush has neither.
  • No, I do my best not to be worried about things that aren't true. Generally, I succeed because there are so many real things to worry about. For example, you apparently live in a place without newspapers and only intermittent and highly filtered Internet access, poor thing. So, I'm sorry for all those years you've spent in the Phillipines hiding in a cave, but you can come out now. World War II ended 64 years ago. Second, in the years you've spent as a hermit, one thing hasn't changed -- when people start making up criticisms of somebody it's only because they don't have anything real. Which in this case is kind of surprising since you could find lots of real things to criticize Obama for if you looked. (I've got more than a few myself.)

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