• The average rainfall in Miami, Florida is 4.88 inches (12.4 cm), according to the National Climatic Data Center. The total rainfall that the city receives each year is 58.53 inches (148.67 cm). The largest amount of rain is received in October, while the least amount is received in January. Source:,
  • South Florida in and around the Miami area gets almost 60 inches of rainfall per year. However, that is very misleading because most of those 60" are not available for human consumption. 20" evaporates, 20" transpires (through vegetation - by definition), and 18" goes to the sea either by surface runoff or groundwater movement in aquifers. This leaves only 2 inches per year for other things - like drinking water and sanitation. Also - 40 or the 60 inches falls in the months June through November and only 20" fall during the other 6 months. South Florida, then, has a distinct wet season and a distinct dry season.

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