• I ask myself and others that same thing all the time. I myself am a liberal, and I believe staunchly in both.
  • At least for legal purposes, the unborn are not generally considered "life" for most purposes until the 3rd trimester. If you believe that life starts at conception, then your viewpoint is considerably different than that of the lawbooks. During the 3rd trimester there are plenty of restrictions on abortion and most agree that abortion at this point IS murder as the fetus is capable of living independently of the mother. Preventing a clump of self-replicating cells from becoming a fetus is in a totally different league from either terminating the life of a being with a heartbeat and a brain of it's own, regardless of the age. Any person who receives the death penalty is obviously capable of suffering and many people, regardless of political leanings, that causing suffering to a living being is wrong. Add in the arbitrary nature of administering the death penalty and the demonstrated flaws in our legal system like the many people proven innocent with DNA tests that were not done previously out of the desire to punish someone now rather than ensure that the convicted is actually guilty....
    • Archie Bunker
      38 states recognized the fetus as a legal victim of a homicide if the mother is killed, during the entire stage of development. How do you rationalize that?
    • Linda Joy
      ALL of the fetuses are innocent!!
  • Their hypocrisy knows no boundaries.
  • Why are republicans so for the dealth penalty and yet against abortions?
    • Hardcore Conservative
      Because those on death row made their own beds.
    • Linda Joy
      And again, ALL the fetuses are innocent!!
    • ReiSan
      Some criminals deserve the death penalty, but infants do not. Your thinking is twisted.
  • Do you know that 23% of death row inmates have been released to date because of wrong identity? How would you feel if you put a person to death and found out a year later that you killed the wrong guy?
    • Linda Joy
      100% of fetuses are innocent! How do you reconcile that?
    • ReiSan
      You evade the issue. All babies are innocent. .
  • Okay all you republicans, what happens if your child is raped? And say thanks to your vote, you cant have an abortion in your state? What do you do?
    • Hardcore Conservative
      So you're basing the abortion argument on the case of rape? Less than 1% of abortions are because of rape. What about the other 99%?
    • Linda Joy
      I'm not a republican or democrat, But you can always give the child to parents that are waiting and hoping for a child - any child to love and raise. Frankly I'd raise and love it!
  • Abortion is used as an easy excuse for lack of having the sense to use birth control. It goes well with this fast food instant gratification society we live in. I do not think it should be banned. It should however be a last resort. The death penalty. Admitted killers should be done in the day of conviction. One appeal for others. Dna testing should be used in all cases possible to insure accuracy. Results that prove a conviction, should be done in the day of conviction. I unfortunately have been in jail before for a misdemeanor. I've seen young thuhgs amke up rap songs about how they will go to the pen and rape inmates etc. Jail is a party to them. Jail. Especially for violent offenders should be the closest thing to hell on earth. No cable, no commissary. no sodomy, surplus trash for food, floggings for infractions, executions for prisoners who assault others and commit rape behind bars. Violent prisoners used to hall busses , tractor. trailers , pull plows etc. Solve the gas crisis. Lovely rant
  • I am against polarizing labels, broad generalizations and loaded questions.
  • I am against labeling and stereotyping of any kind.
  • probably cause they dont see the baby as a real person
  • Hypocrisy
  • Because libtards have the weirdest logic ever. They think it's ok to kill fetuses because they're not "human lives" even though a fetus is part of the very first stage of the human life cycle (prebirth) but it's not ok to kill someone who intentionally killed innocent people and have the murderer live off taxpayers' money. I will never understand their mentality.
    • Archie Bunker
      They only value certain lives.
  • They are mindless fanatics with insane double standards. To them, evil criminals should not be executed, but innocent infants should be. That is horrible.
  • In today's US politics, you are either a red or a blue. Red is defined as pro-life and pro-death(penalty). Blue is defined as pro-death(choice) and pro-life(in prison). Red is voting for a career criminal billionaire who wants to cause the apocalypse, and blue is voting for a career criminal almost-billionaire who wants to cause the apocalypse. Can't you tell the difference? LOL
    • Archie Bunker
      Please explain the career criminal part. Or is it just rhetoric?
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Seriously? The man made tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars through illegal business practices. It's all documented. He hires workers and then systematically doesn't pay them. He made promises, in writing, to hire local people for new businesses, in order to guarantee permits, then never fulfilled the promise, with many of the actual hires allegedly being illegal aliens paid less than minimum wage. He has bribed women to stay quiet about affairs. He has solicited prostitutes. He was accused of raping a 13 year old girl, then threatened the accuser until she dropped the charges, once an investigation was opened and started corroborating her testimony with evidence. He swindled people with Trump University. He pulled other swindle operations with Trump Institute, Trump Network, Trump Modeling Agency, etc. I can't even list all of the businesses he started that were shut down for being a scam. Any time he's had charges come up from these acts, he has paid people off from funds collected by the Trump Foundation, which, filed as a non-profit organization, is legally barred from paying legal fees for its namesake unless the legal issues at stake are related to the foundation itself, which they were not, on hundreds of occasions. All of those acts are criminal.
    • Archie Bunker
      Nice try, but it's all the usual rhetoric. If any of Trump's dealings were illegal, he would have been indicted long ago. Keep trying, though.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      You didn't read a word I just said, evidently. Stealing is a crime. It was decided in civil court that he stole. If he's not a thief because he hasn't been found guilty of stealing in criminal court, then OJ Simpson is not a murderer, either, by the same logic.
    • Archie Bunker
      But the state decided OJ didn't kill his old lady and her boyfriend. It was in a few papers in case you missed it.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      That's exactly what I had said.
  • not sure why
  • Why do you think? You're comparing an adult's to a single cell. Do you see the difference he'll ones all grown up and ones only a single cell I hope you can see the difference
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      What does abortion have to do with a single cell?!

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