• You aren't fat, you're hot! Full-figured women are women who aren't anorexic or so thin you can see their bones, and fat women are women whose BMI meets or exceeds 30 - i.e. when one is canoodling a fat woman, one cannot tell the body part he is grabbing because everything feels the same! So, you gonna be in the Milwaukee area any time soon?
  • For my way of thinking I would consider anyone with those proportions to be over-weight. Sounds nasty to me to call people "fat". The whole Full Figured thing seem to have come about to describe woman that are overweight and well endowed in areas like their breast or behind. In the past I've known people to refer to woman as being "full figured" that were very curvy and well endowed...they had some meat on their bones but not too much. Tara Banks has been considered full figured and in person she looks to be average weight but very tall. I'm 5'3 and 117 lbs, 34C, waist 24 inches..etc. and any more weight on myself I think makes me look rather porky when I only stand 5'3.
  • 5'2" and 150 is considered overweight not always the case but this is what I go by, for every inch you add 5 pounds 5 feet tall=100 pounds 5'1"=105 5'2"=110 5'3"=115 5'4"=120 5'5"=125 -this is my height and weight and i'm regular

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