• Time doesn't actually go forward, we just experience it that way. Time is a slippery concept, and one that even the theoretical physicists have trouble with. The biggest problem is that due to the way human bodies are made, we experience time in a linear fashion, but apparently that's not how it happens. Additionally, time is NOT a constant. Even measuring time by the decay of certain isotopes isn't entirely consistant, since gravity effects the decay rate. (Very minutely, but we've been able to measure it.) So the best answer is to say that it's our perceptions and/or the nature of our existence that keeps time going forward.
  • True, newtonian and quantum mechanics have equations that work just as well in either direction. Chaos theorists have proposed that their theories, when applied with laws of mechanics and thermodynamics, can explain the existence of the "arrow of time". I can barely even read the articles, let alone truly comprehend them; I only know of their existence. If you want to run your brain up against one, try this one, titled "Chaos, entropy and the arrow of time: The theory of chaos uncovers a new "uncertainty principle" which governs how the real world behaves. It also explains why time goes in only one direction.":
  • Einstein shook up the whole concept of time with his relativity theories. It seems time is not a constant. It's relative to the speed of light. Time can speed up or slow down depending upon your point of observation. As you move and speed up relative to some other fixed point, time can speed up or slow down. It gets a little tricky to comprehend. To try and understand consider this situation. A space ship has a movie screen attached to it's hull. A film projector is aimed at the screen with the space ship sitting at rest on the Earth's surface. You see the images projected upon the screen in a sequencial pattern that makes you see the movie as you would view it normally. Now imagine the space ship flying away from the Earth. The number of frames hitting the screen each second would slow down because the space ship is moving away from the projector and the frames of the movie are traveling at the speed of light towards the screen. Because fewer frames of the movie are hitting the screen each second the movie will apear to slow down. As the space ship speeds up the movie will apear to get slower and slower. When the space ship hits the speed of light, the one frame hitting the screen will make the movie apear like a snapshot...time will stand still. Now imagine the space ship going faster than the speed of light. The movie will apear to run in reverse. Are you still with me? This gets a little complicated. The point to this story is time is dependent on the position of the observer. Time is not a constant. Time is relative to the speed of the observer and what he is observing. Think about the stars you see at night in the sky. The light that hits your eye ball could have traveled for many years before it reached you. The star could have collapsed years ago and doesn't exist anymore, but you are still collecting the light that left it's surface a long time ago.
  • Have a look at "How to build a time machine" By "Paul Davies". It tells you almost everything.
  • Time doesn't move forward or backwards the why there is such thing as time travel! Time is man made and it is our way of dating the past, present, and future. Time is an measurement and measurements do not change. David J. Calis
  • it seems the stark reality may be that time is NOW, always and forever... and that is no matter where your relative perspective may be. it may be that time moves forward and backward at exactly the same speed and everything is, and is moving from organized to chaos and vice-versa, always meeting at this moment.
  • Nothing makes time go foward. We create time by existing. I mean we don't know when the earth will end otherwise we COULD read time going backwards (i.e.: 453,928,664 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes and 50 seconds left until the end of the earth). But really its just our movement, our hearts beating that makes it continue to move. that probably makes no sense to anyone, but whatever...
  • i always wondered with what proof did Einstein came up with the theory that time travels in speed of light ?
  • There is no "time" out there or around us. There is only process. Clocks measure the process of gears and springs as processes trusted enough for us to refer to with the label "time". We don't say 3 weeks have passed when a plant grows to 14 inches tall, because we don't trust the constancy of the plant's process enough. But process is all we actually have.
  • Self-Betterment
  • My husband, daughter, and grandchildren. +5
  • I'm too stubborn to kill myself. An accumulation of about 10 hours with a bottle of pills in my hand has taught me that. The hard way. And the stomach cramps from when it got really bad and I just gave up.
  • I always want to see what kind of BS comes next. I'm too damned curious.
  • My beautiful grandaughter
  • God, my mother who is a physician and my best friend who is an engineer. The last two, they set good examples.
  • Told my children I'm going to live till I'm 100
  • My will to succeed, those who are counting on me and faith in myself
  • My love for life, sons, family and friends.
  • the beauty of life
  • The fact that I will ultimately die sooner or later, one way or another. If not for thaat guarantee I might have done myself in.
  • My three constants:my friend, fishing, and the outdoors
  • Maybe just maybe I'll find out what I'm here to do.
  • The thought of what happens if i don't
  • poverty
  • to be a catalyst in changing lives by the power of the Holy Spirit- whether it be spiritually, or through the work I do with orphanages overseas.
  • The thought of there being a better tomorrow for me
  • my kids!
  • Retiring. The harder I work...hopefully the sooner I retire. I want to retire before I'm 25:P hehe
  • Granted there is a practical "scientific way" that time works, I am sure of this. I am also sure that I must look forward and I do try as hard as I can to only look back to find and use the wisdom I have gained from lessons learned, and to cherish the special moments I was blessed to have. That is not always so easy and I wish I could do better. What really matters to me is to fulfill my purpose here, and to give much more than I take. I am cursed with my humaness, so I learned long ago to call on a greater strength. That still doesn't make me a super hero, but it's helped me get through this time. I met Jesus when I was 4 years old after coming back from my drugged up parents room all alone in the middle of the night, fearing the nightmare of a dark creature would meet me in my room. It was only then that I met a glowing Angelic being to tuck me in and calm me to sleep. I couldn't even see his face because of the great light and the peace that I found was so reassuring that I didn't need to know anything. I was safe. That is what I needed to know. I continued to face many terrible trials in my life. I wondered why I was even brought into (time) existence. I have many scars and even today as blessed as I am, I struggle and need His grace to carry on. I wanted to be more in this life. To do more with the time I have here. I want to help all te little girls and boys that suffered as I did. I am still trying to make a difference, and I believe strongly that we should make every day count. I try so hard to be all that I should be and to rely on my Saviour. What do I do when I experience the weight of my failures? I pray, read the Bible, sing, sometimes I even dance, I write, I read something like this board, and on the rarest of occassions I share my point of view. I try to forgive myself and I long for the day that I finally see Him face to face. I am living for eternity. I've tried so hard to do everything right. I don't understand why things are the way they are, but in those times of suffering when I want to just through in the towel, I remind myself that I have a greater purpose. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I remind myself that in the scheme of things, we are only here for a speck of time in the vast length of all eternity. It doesn't always feel like it, but my time here is so very short. I thank Him for the strength to make it through each day and for all the blessings I am given along the way. May he bless all who read until we meet Him!
  • the earth spins... it causes days to pass. humans decided to have a system in order to tell when days were over, time is a human entity! :)
  • revenge' bitter sweet' keeps the clock ticking.
  • An inability to stay put. Also, I would like to add that this is a terrible merge, these two questions have NOTHING to do with eachother

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