• A lower temperature will keep you awake longer, and of course coffee helps. Take breaks regularly to stretch a bit.
  • I sleep well before I start the trip. Never try to stay awake while you are driving, if you are tierd let someone else drive or stop the car and take a nap.
  • I'll take one No-Doz pill before I start out. That usually keeps me going for a while. If I find myself getting drowsy behind the wheel, I'll try to find the nearest rest station. While I'm going to that rest stop, I try various painful stimuli (such as digging my fingernails into my palms) to stay awake.
  • Umm... I've heard of people wearing ice packs on their heads (the wrap around ones that look kinda like bandannas)... I've also heard of people putting ice in their pants... The cold is a wake-up call... Lower temperatures makes the body alert because the core temperature drops slightly, even by a 10th of a degree a drop in temperature can cause alertness... Hope this helps... :D
  • Having others in the car to talk to and play word games with helps.

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