• Not without some evidence on your behalf like a witness.
  • I would think that it would cost more by taking off work etc ... the ticket will be the same anyway .. so there is no use going to court over it ... Pay the fine and forget it ..
  • I fought an illegal left turn ticket years back in New York. Had to go to court twice but the cop didn't show up so I beat the ticket. I'm not claiming to be Miss Virtuous but sometimes they don't want the thing to go to trial and will plead the ticket down to possibly getting no points on your license. That would probably help keep your insurance rates down. Again, no guarantees but if you can get the time off work, I'd take a shot.
  • It is important for you to READ the elements of the vehicle code violation that was cited on the ticket. It will be a 5 number v.c. (vehicle code violation) it and find out what it says There are several dealing with turning but violating a pedestrians right of way is another issue. You need to know what it is that the citing officer is accusing you of and if the violation does not match the facts as you viewed them..hell yes..take it to court. My guess is that is was involving a violation of pedestrian ROW. It would be nice to have more facts.
  • Is it possible that if you were in the process of making al unsafe left turn that you might not have seen the pedestrian in the crosswalk. Well before the trial you might ask the DA if there was a camera in the intersection or the car. Otherwise, unless you had someone in the car with you, it's just your word against the cops and under the circumstances I know who I'd believe.

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