• It spits back out, all over the deserving protester.
  • You get a face full of poo if your dumb enough to stand there and wait for the Truck to Start.
  • The Government sends in a million dollar rescue package for a clean up.
  • Your hands will smell like dogshit.
  • you waste a good pile of shit on a piece of crap.
  • You will get dog shit on your hands if your not carefull. When they start the vehicle (and it will start) the crap will come out of the pipe. There is a chance the truck will smell slightly like shit for the next few times it runs untill the exhaust system warms up enought to burn off the reminants that will stick on the inside of the pipe. If someone sees you do this you could be charged with a misdemeanor like vandalism. All and all, not that effective , annoying or funny and proably not worth the effort.

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