• No, the doe should be alone as he can rebreed her any time, even while she is already pregnant. Does can carry two litters at a time. You really should never keep rabbits together unless they are spayed and neutered. Breeding takes planning by the humans to keep the rabbits healthy and safe. Sometimes either rabbit hurts or kills the kits, even the doe thinking she is protecting them. But the biggest danger is that he can mate with her at any time. It's just not good for rabbits to be pregnant that often, especially if they are young. It hurts them and their kits. So the best thing to do is separate them and give her a nest box on the approximate 28th day of gestation as that is the day they usually pull fur to line their nest. Kindling takes place on the 31-32 day. They can be weaned between 6-8 weeks and then should be separated by sex by 10-12 weeks of age as it's possible for the smaller breeds to mate that young.

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