• Jerusalem
  • It depends. Most of the time when the Bible mentions the City of David, it is referring to Jerusalem. However, there is one very notable place where this is not the city being discussed. It is probable the most famous reference that mentions the City of David. "And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." In this case, it is Bethlehem.
  • Just to add a little ... Jerusalem is the city of David in the sense that it was the place David chose for his capital. Bethlehem is the city of David in the sense that it was his ancestral home.
  • All these answers are correct. Bethlehem was the original City of David, from which he first ruled. David eventually, I guess you would say, "annexed" greater Jerusalem so that Bethlehem was contained within Jerusalem. So whether it is Jerusalem in general or Bethlehem specifically within Jerusalem is matter of context.
  • The name given to two biblical cities... David took from the Jebusites the fortress of Mount Zion. He "dwelt in the fort, and called it the city of David" (1 Chr. 11:7). This was the name afterwards given to the castle and royal palace on Mount Zion, as distinguished from Jerusalem generally (1 Kings 3:1; 8:1), It was on the southwest side of Jerusalem, opposite the temple mount, with which it was connected by a bridge over the Tyropoeon valley. Bethlehem is called the "city of David" (Luke 2:4, 11), because it was David's birthplace and early home (1 Sam. 17:12).
  • Jews today count their ancestry and hence "Jewishness" through the Mother,when did this change come about as the Bible shows male descent was the norm. As Mary was distant kin of Joseph? Could this be a reconciliation of Traditions? In so much that Yeshua was descended from David through his Mother and Joseph who is considered her protector . Also ,as to the City of David conundrum arguments will always fly to and fro as so many Prophets gave fragments of Prophecy that are linked to the King of Kings;Messiah or Christ.

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