• Moonlight sonata, beethoven. that is my favorite.
  • BACH Fuge in D know real creepy dracula music on a pipe organ
  • Moonlight Sonata, Pacabell (Canon in D), Night Music, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies, Bolero, Mazurka, Water Music, and on and on.
  • I like Fur Elise.
  • 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky. An epic tune!
  • It depends on which style of Classical music you like - it spans a couple of hundred years sonaturally different styles developed just as there are different styles (jazz, hip-hop, blues etc) nowadays. BTW, I don't consider most of them songs, as there isn't usually singing. A few of my favourite pieces of classical music that are quite famous are: Ride of the Valkyries - Wagner. You will recognise this for definite. 5th and 9th Symphonies - Beethoven. Montagues and Capulets - Prokofiev - another recognisable piece. Pomp and Circumstance - Elgar (mind you I am British so biased!) Mars, bringer of War - Holst. Turkish Rondo - Mozart. In the Hall of the Mountain King - Grieg - Everybody knows it, many don't know what it is called. Rhapsody in Blue - Gershwin - the piano at the end, brilliant.
  • there is alot, one of my favorite...Turkish March
  • Beethoven - 5th Sypmhony (First Movement), 9th Symphony (Fourth Movement), 14th Sonata (Moonlight, 1st movement), Fur Elise, et cetera. Offenbach - Orpheous In The Underworld Oveture (CanCan) Mozart - Symphony 29 (1st Movement), Symphony Forty (First Movement), Dies Irae (Requium), Die Zauberflote (The Magic Flute, the Queen of the Night's aria in particular) Wagner - The Ride of the Valkeiry, Wedding March (Don't ask me to spell his name) - 1812 Oveture And there are MANY more I didn't name, either becasue I couldn't think of the composer or title or... something... >< But that should content you for a bit.
  • the nutcracker suite by tchaikovsky is pretty badass. the best one i can think of is probably hungarian rhapsody #2 by franz lizst. yes, badass.
  • ChrisDG is right, it depends a lot on what style of classical you like. I'm a huge fan of Bach's Brandenburg Concertos, Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata", Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King" and Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky.
  • Jean-Yves Thibaudet – Je Te Veux Tchaikovsky - Concerto No. 1 Samuel Barber – Adagio for Strings Dvorak - Symphony No. 9 Mozart – Fantasia In D Minor Franz Liszt - La Campanella Rachmaninov - piano concerto No.2 Mendelssohn - Song without Words op.38 no.6 Ludwig van Beethoven – Moonlight Sonata/Ode to Joy/Fur Elise Pachbelbel - Canon in D Gustav Holst – Neptune, The Mystic Mendelssohn - Violin Concerto Carl Orff - Carmina Burana O Futura Franz Schubert - Impromptu Op.90 No.3 / Ave Maria Bach - Air On G String Chopin - Prelude No. 4 / Nocturne in C Minor Hope I got those right.
  • Do you mean 'songs' or do you mean 'pieces'? There is a difference.

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