• In a general sense, there are certain programs that do filter out and flag certain words used in conversations and web searches. Those words are generally only flagged if a person enters them on a regular basis, or has downloaded content related to them. There are programs that allow you to browse by hiding your IP address, but ultimately, if someone with the know-how wanted to trace your activity, they could. Day-to-day activity is monitored, mostly for marketing purposes, and usually only web searches and certain pages that are accessed are noted. This is pretty harmless. There are people who can access anything and everything you do online, but the average person can not.
  • If you are at work, assume its being watched. At home, if you are a child or if you think your wife or husband are the suspicious type, then that might be the case as well on your home computer. There are a lot of really hard to detect spyware programs out there.

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