• No, thats a puppy love crush. Real love is not feeling nervous, but a wonderful warm feeling that makes you smile and want to be with the other person. Communication is the key to a real relationship. So if you are nervous and can't talk to them, its not love.
  • I have no idea. I never met you or the girl. Do you think she is "out of your league"? Excited is good but nervous, like sweaty palms, studdering and your heart beating out of your chest could be really uncomfortable long term.
  • No. That is what have a crush or feeling an attraction for someone feels like. From my experience, love feels like this amazing calm feeling - the most calm, assuredness I have ever felt. Serenity. Peace. Knowledge. Never the less, what you are feeling can be a great feeling - a high. Enjoy it!
  • no, that's just what being human feels like when you are crushing on somebody!
  • EDIT: So you say you are not nervous around girls you like, but only this girl, should mean you are conscious about yourself infront of her, because you are in doubt if you can impress her the right way. I understand you want her really bad! but love is something which is built slowly, understanding them completely and still have the same feeling. so there is a chance it can be love, if you are on date with her enough. Answered for previous non-edited question: I just identify your problem with mine. Even I have this feeling with one guy in my class, some years ago. Thought it was crush in the beginning. Liked his everything, his company, the way he used to talk, his views and stuff. I just used to avoid him for insecure feeling raised just as yours. I really used to feel nervous when I was around him. But now after 3 years, I just don't have any crush feelings(I am damn sure about this), I still respect him so much for what he is, but still feel nervous when I am around him. So the bottom line is, YOU LIKE SOMEBODY WHEN YOU LIKE THEIR ATTITUDE OR MAY BE ANYTHING, AND SOMEWHERE YOU TRY TO IMPRESS THAT PERSON SO BADLY AT ANY COST AND YOU START FEELING NERVOUS THAT SHE/HE MIGHT GET WRONG IMPRESSION ON YOU! SO, DO NOT WORRY, THAT IS JUST(POSSIBLY MIGHT) NOT LOVE.
  • I have the same problem, I like the way this girl looks, how educated she is, and that she is calm and we have the same ideas. It hurts me whenever I can't say hi to her and I am usually calm around every other girl. I just wish there wasn't such a thing as puppy love crushes like the ones us teenagers have. I can talk to her on the phone and through technology but not in person so finally she has to arrange a place to actually talk to me. Sadly I feel this is not the good way to talk to a girl but just a natural flow of saying hello, and how is your day, would be better. But like I said I get nervous when I am around her. She knows I am there because of glances between us. But we have built a wall of shyness so that we try not to look at each other, or talk to each other. I do know she wants to be my friend, and so I want to be hers. My attraction however isn't on her body but on how we have the same ideas, she does have a pretty face though.

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