• I assume that you know the length of the 3 equal sides. An equilateral triangle is also and equiangular triangle i.e. all three angles are equal 60 degrees. Also, the altitude bisects the top angle and forms two equal right triangles within the original triangle. This means that you can use the fact that the sine of an angle is defined as the opposite side divided by the hypotenuse where the opposite side is the altitude and the hypotenuse is the known side altitude/side = sine(60 degrees) altitude = side*sine(60 degrees) sine(60 degrees) = 0.8660254 Therefore: altitude = 0.8660254*the side of the equilateral triangle
  • Let ABC be an equilateral triangle with each side measuring a. Draw its altitude from vertex A to BC. In tr.ABD, AD=a/2,AB=a & angleADB=90 So,by Pythagoras theorem, (AB)^2-(BC)^2=(AD)^2 a^2-(a/2)^=(AD)^2 (AD)^2=3a^2/4 AD=3^1/2/2 Hence,we can find height.
  • Or you could fly over it and check your altimeter as your wheel nick the pointy top?
  • Measure how tall it is?

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