• This question is folly because what I consider a pro, you might think is a con. Read their manifestos to make up your own mind.
  • Democratic Party: Pros: Believes that Government should provide services Protects the rights of women and minorities Doesn't confuse church and state Doesn't confuse religion and science Cons: By cultivating individuals who like to think they think for themselves, has difficulty presenting a united front. A few idiots ruin things for everyone Republican Party: Pros: Believes in smaller government and lower taxes Cons: Confuses church and state Confuses religion with science Green Party: Pros: Get's the real wackos out of the Democratic Party Environmentally aware Cons: Steals needed votes from Democrats
  • I can't think of any. Both (republican and democrat) use corporate money and special interest groups to buy out elections, both are undermining the middle class of America for different reasons. Time to vote: will that be ketchup or mustard on your crap sandwich?

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