• You might start seeing a red bump appear in a corner of your mouth or near your lips. It might hurt like a pimple, but won't develop a pus-filled "head". Eventually it may get raw and start to seep some fluid, which might crystallize somewhat into a dry, flaky, scab-like coating. You can treat them with a product like Zilactin, which can cause it not to erupt and become painful.
  • For me, a small bump on my lip and a lot of tingling right there.
  • A few days before I get one, I feel a sensation travelling across my face and naturally I go to rub it. I think this is the Herpes Simplex virus being sent along a nerve in your cheek to your lip to start the whole process. Then my lips start getting very dry and then a small tingling sensation is felt in my lip. Infection usually starts when you are a baby and someone who has or had a cold sore kissed you and passed it onto you. It stays with you for life, bummer.

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